Many effects which boost the wearer's shield capacity by a certain percent will result in a much lower boost than expected (not including the Hoplite's own 20%-per-person capacity boost). Due to its high capacity the Hoplite is one of the shields that most dramatically illustrates the hidden cap on shield capacity increase calculations.For almost all tactical concerns the Hoplite can be considered the superior shield These apparent advantages are mostly moot though, as its lower health penalty is negated by the lower shield capacity, its high movement speed on depletion is only minimally effective to begin with, and the Hoplite's vastly increased capacity when worn by four characters more than makes up for any movement penalties incurred. The only advantages the Fabled Tortoise has over the Hoplite are its lower penalty to character health (approximately 15% less than that of the Hoplite), its enhanced movement speed when depleted, and its lower movement penalty compared to the Hoplite when worn by four characters at once. In other regards the Hoplite mostly equal to the Fabled Tortoise, the two shields having identical recharge delays, recharge speeds, and parts restrictions. This gives it a higher effective capacity than the Fabled Tortoise in all cases, almost fully double the capacity when worn by four characters simultaneously. However, the Hoplite's listed 20% capacity boost for each character wearing a copy does trigger when only one copy of the shield is worn, meaning that the Hoplite effectively has at least 20% more capacity than what is listed. If examined based on the stats listed on each shield's item card, the Fabled Tortoise would seem to beat out the Hoplite in terms of shield capacity. While the movement penalty from a Fabled Tortoise is immediately apparent, the movement penalty from a Hoplite worn by only one character in the party is far less severe and even difficult to notice. Unlike the Fabled Tortoise this movement speed penalty is variable based on the number of in-game characters wearing a Hoplite, potentially providing a larger penalty than the legendary shield but in most cases resulting in a lower movement penalty. The Hoplite is an advanced Turtle Shield similar to the Fabled Tortoise, offering a much higher capacity at the cost of movement speed. Further increases shield capacity and decreases movement speed for every Hoplite user in the party. Alone a mere soldier, together an unstoppable phalanx – Very high shield capacity.